
Fire Justin Trudeau. Election Now!

Whereas after 9 years of Justin Trudeau and the NDP-Liberal government, Canadians cannot afford a roof over their heads after mortgage payments, rents and the cost of down payments have doubled;

Whereas Canadians are still suffering the consequences of his inflationary deficits and taxes that raised the price of everything and brought interest rates to their highest level in decades.

Whereas millions of Canadians are having to line up outside of food banks just to survive, and as families are having to cope with the surging cost of housing, gas and heating;

Whereas Trudeau’s dangerous catch-and-release policies are making Canadians unsafe as violent crime has increased 50%;

Whereas unemployment Surges to highest level in years under Justin Trudeau;

We the undersigned firmly believe that Canadians have lost confidence in Justin Trudeau and this NDP-Liberal government and demand an election where Canadians get to choose our nations path forward.

Sign The Petition

About Arpan

Arpan Khanna is the Member of Parliament for Oxford. He lives in Woodstock with his wife Sim and his son Arvin.

Prior to being elected, Arpan was a practicing lawyer and small business owner.

He is dedicated to our community and the organizations that serve it. He is a member of the Woodstock District Chamber of Commerce and of the Oxford Fish and Game Club. He is involved with local community fundraisers and food drives and is a volunteer with Global Medic. Arpan is a licensed firearms owner and in his spare time enjoys recreational sport shooting at the local range.

Arpan regularly engages with the community, giving his constituents the opportunity to provide valuable feedback to help him in his role as our voice in Ottawa.

Arpan is honoured to serve the residents of this great riding and is committed to unleashing Oxford’s full potential.